Aurtu ma baloon ka jarna r Iron ki kami| Hair Loss And Iron Deficiency In Women | Urdu | Hindi | DMH

Описание к видео Aurtu ma baloon ka jarna r Iron ki kami| Hair Loss And Iron Deficiency In Women | Urdu | Hindi | DMH

Iron deficiency is very common in women and it may be the cause of or contributory to hair loss. Fortunately, you can do something about it. Learn which foods contain more iron and what ferritin levels you should be aiming for to optimise the growth conditions for your hair.

Dr. Mazhar Hussain is our chief surgeon. He is among the first 5 surgeons worldwide to specialize in FUE back in 2004. His entire focus is on a high degree of safety and natural results.

He performs FUE in Nottingham, Oslo, Copenhagen, Islamabad, and Lahore. Whether you have the surgery in Pakistan or Europe, we adhere to the same high Scandinavian standard at all locations.

We offer FUE hair transplantation and medical hair restoration, including stem cell therapy, PRP, micro-needling, and other treatments. | |

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