Comics I Bought Lately and other wanderings...

Описание к видео Comics I Bought Lately and other wanderings...

So I finally decided to commit to turning my camera on and making a video and YAY it turned out okay, after I had to relearn all the export settings and I didn't save the first time I started editing and Final Cut crashed and I lost an hour worth of work and then I cried, but then I went out and bought a matcha almond milk latte, yes it's a douchebag drink, but I felt better and came home to finish it up. If you guys have comic suggestions you wanna throw in do it! I'm not guaranteeing any regular comic stuff, I'm basically gonna do whatever I feel like that week and hopefully not having rules will make me get off my ass and do one of these a week. Or I could just play more video games, which I REALLY need to do for health reasons. Also, I bet at least 15 people comment on how great that guitar is in the background. Internet law. Background objects are closer than they appear. HEY maybe I'll learn how to play that thing badly on camera? Who knows. I'm sure I won't get many subscribers based on my erratic work ethic, but whenever I see rules about "HOW TO BUILD YOUR CHANNELZ" it makes me want to puke and do the opposite. So, maybe that's what I'm doing. Who knows. I'd like to figure out how to capture game footage on my Xbox One because Dead Rising is AMAZING and I'd love to just have a clip of me running over thousands of zombies as a joke. Make some stock footage for my videos from mass killing. So creepy when I type that out. Okay, upload almost done! If anyone gets to the end of this meandering monologue, the word of the day is chiquita. Pass it along.


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