
Описание к видео CrossFit

AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 Box Facing Burpee Box Jumps (24/20 in)
20 Kettlebell Swings (70/53 lb)
60 Double-Unders

Score: 6 rounds + 32 reps

Nasty longer one here. Had to scale the swings to a 60lb dumbbell which allowed me to go 14-6 the first few rounds but as predicted I had to switch to 10-5-5 for the last few rounds (besides going unbroken on the last set). Goal was to just breath on the burpee box jumps, maybe an extra half second per rep but not worth blowing up here considering I was already having to break up the other movements. The double unders were similar to the swings, starting with one break (40-20) but having to add an additional break later on (30-17-13). Happy with the result here but someone a little better at double unders can easily get 7 rounds (just needed about 40 more seconds to get there). Give this one a go!


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