The Shattering (All Themes Labeled) - Login Screen Music of WoW Cataclysm

Описание к видео The Shattering (All Themes Labeled) - Login Screen Music of WoW Cataclysm

That's right, I've labeled and timestamped every single theme in this login screen track! If you want to know more about a specific theme, just read the little description underneath its timestamp down there.

This one is one of my personal favorite login screen tracks. I just love how Russell Brower managed to showcase a ton of new themes from this expansion, but also made sure to include lots of references to the previous one, Wrath of the Lich King. He also didn't shy away from using Legends of Azeroth throughout the track at key moments, most login screen tracks only really use it at the beginning.

Also, fun fact: This is the only login screen track to feature a song from Derek Duke so far. His rescue theme from the Lost Isles shows up here. I guess it makes sense since his songs are usually more ambient and don't fit the vibe of a login screen, but I am glad to see he made it into this one at least.

0:00 - Elemental 4
This is one of the main themes that plays in Deepholm. There's also probably some parts of Legends of Azeroth sprinkled in here too.

1:30 - Legends of Azeroth (WoW Main Theme)
This is the main theme of WoW that Jason Hayes composed in vanilla WoW. Pretty much every login screen has referenced this theme in some way.

2:37 - Stormwind
Specifically this is referencing the "stormwind03-moment" track which is a pretty serene and angelic track compared to the other classic Stormwind tracks.

3:20 - Cold Mountain
One of the new mountain themes introduced in Cataclysm. It also surprisingly makes a return in Warlords of Draenor as "Cold Mountain Duet".

4:46 - Moonglade
The new theme for Moonglade. Unfortunately the cello isn't as pronounced in this version, but it still sounds great!

5:26 - Lost Isles Rescue
The rescue theme that plays in the goblin leveling zone, the Lost Isles. This theme actually references one of the classic PvP themes from vanilla WoW which I think Derek Duke also composed.

5:58 - Legends of Azeroth (WoW Main Theme)
Another callback to this theme, mainly the calmer part in the middle. I always like to associate this part with the Burning Crusade, probably since that was around the time I started playing.

6:38 - Invincible
This is a callback to an incredible song Russell composed in Fall of the Lich King, which itself is a reference to the Arthas, My Son theme from Neal Acree , which itself is also a reference to the ending theme Jason Hayes wrote from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. References all the way down...

7:36 - Eye of the Vortex
This plays in the Eye of the Vortex in Cataclysm's version of Darkshore. I usually like to associate this theme with the Twilight's Hammer since it sounds pretty similar in style to their other themes.

8:35 - Gilneas
In the game files, this theme is actually called "Alliance One" or "A1", but I don't really consider that name to be very fitting so I just went with Gilneas instead since it's more recognizable.

9:27 - Gunships
The iconic gunship battle theme from Icecrown Citadel. Russell also brought it back in Hour of Twilight with Dragon Soul's version of it.

10:03 - Dark Ironforge
One of the new themes that plays in Ironforge and Grim Batol. This is actually a callback to the Titan theme from Ulduar, which also happens to one of the catchiest tunes Russell has ever written imo.

10:56 - Legends of Azeroth (WoW Main Theme)
It ends with the final part of the main theme, starting with the intense, epic portion and finishing with that softer resolution afterwards.


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