At Home Back Tuck Drills

Описание к видео At Home Back Tuck Drills

Make sure you warm up before starting and have enough space.
We recommend doing 10 reps of each or 30 seconds where applicable.

Drill 1: Squeeze and actively hold you tuck shape, don’t let yourself become floppy throughout the time holding it.
Drill 2: Shin taps to wall: keep your core engaged, don’t let your hands do the work, drive your knees and hips to the wall.
Drill 3: Backwards rolls are key so put your full effort into these.
Drill 4: Tuck jumps: this is to help build strength, focusing on keeping ankles and knees together like you would have in your tuck.
Drill 5: Lift your toes, then knees, then hips & roll up to your tuck shape.
Drill 6: Go at an angle on the wall, straight jump up keeping hollow then roll to tuck shape.
Drill 7: Squat jumps to build strength: don’t let your knees go over your toes, keep your chest up.
Drill 8: Grab a family member to help you with this one!


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