Relevance Theory -- Sperber & Wilson

Описание к видео Relevance Theory -- Sperber & Wilson

Relevance theory provides a framework for understanding the interpretation of utterances. It was first proposed by Sperber and Deirdre Wilson and is used within cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. The theory was originally inspired by the work of Paul Grice and developed out of his ideas but has since become a pragmatic framework in its own right.

The theory takes its name from the principle that "every utterance conveys the information that it is relevant enough for it to be worth the addressee's effort to process it", that is, if I say something to you, you can safely assume that I believe that the conveyed information is worthwhile your effort to listen to and comprehend it; and also that it is "the most relevant one compatible with the communicator's abilities and preferences", that is, I tried to make the utterance as easy to understand as possible, given its information content and my communicative skills.


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