Kali Muriaticum: Doting To Depressed Mother

Описание к видео Kali Muriaticum: Doting To Depressed Mother

In homoeopathy we have different approaches.synthetic prescribing is an approach where you find indications of 2 elements and few characteristics different from them.you should then think of that compound and explore the similarity .it helps us prescribe uncommon compounds of normal element .Dr.Scholten has described group symptoms of all anion and cations separately. we can make use of them to explore the remedy .Also for learning mineral remedies ,we can make use of periodic table,which has been explored by many authors.
here we are trying to explore kali mur in a case which responded partially to kali carb and natrum mur and kali core was clear.Muriaticum element combines with any cation to give theme of motherhood,care,nurture,role of mother,relationship between mother and child .How response can go beautifully healing at subconscious level is demonstrated by this case.
#kingdom #kali #muriaticum#integrated homoeopathy

Dr Anita Bajaj ([email protected])
Dr Shobha Shah ([email protected])
Dr Kushala Salian ([email protected])
Dr Aditi Rupani ([email protected])
Dr Nirupama Agarwal ([email protected])


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