Sandwich Chutney recipe | मुंबई सैंडविच चटनी की परफेक्ट रेसिपी |Mumbai style Sandwich Chutney recipe

Описание к видео Sandwich Chutney recipe | मुंबई सैंडविच चटनी की परफेक्ट रेसिपी |Mumbai style Sandwich Chutney recipe

Mumbai Style Sandwich is seen pretty much in every street of Mumbai. The sandwich is spread with a chutney, fresh with coriander and hot with green chilies. The toppings are sliced cucumber, tomatoes, red onion and plenty of cheese. I know mouthwatering isn’t it? The most important ingredient of Mumbai sandwich is it's Green chutney. Today I have got authentic recipe of this sandwich chutney for you. This is my favorite one.

Do try this recipe.
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