Rayman 1: Part 8: Bongo Hills (All Electoon Cages)

Описание к видео Rayman 1: Part 8: Bongo Hills (All Electoon Cages)

Band Land is the second region of Rayman that you go through. It is probably one of the first of its kind in platformer games (alongside Sparkster for the SNES), to be completely themed around musical instruments, and as such, it's full of great music to listen to.

That said, this is also the point of the game where it pulls off its training wheels to show you a bit more of how hard the game can really get. A lot of places in Band Land has giant spiky notes everywhere to hurt you with. Some of them may even be programmed to instantly kill Rayman by making him fall on his butt and then hurting over it.

There's also these metallic, slidey floors that will show up throughout Band Land. They make it harder to control Rayman's movement when you get going in a direction, but if you slide downward on one, you can pick up a lot of speed and making HUGE jumps!

The first area of Bongo Hills is probably the least dangerous one to get a hang of. It is here where you'll also find different kinds of clouds to stand one, as well as shrink flies that... well, shrink you. That said, you may end up encountering angry pairs of eyes that shoot lightning bolts at you. They move slow, but that's probably not good, either.

The second area has a bunch of maracas to stand on.

The third area has maracas that you can ride on the top of like a rocket. Hang on either edge of it to go left or right in that direction.

The fourth area is a dark and stormy place that lights up from time to time. There's a cage here that I need to use a Wing Ring to reach, but at the same time, the timing of my jump allowed me to make the leap I needed without any help.

The fifth area's main attraction is riding a group of spiraling brown... "coconuts", and like just about everything else in this world, they have eyes, too.

The sixth and last area has giant red creatures that raise and hit the ground with their spiked ball hands. You even get to use a cloud to fly through where their legs would be if they had any.

Simply put, Bongo Hills is a DAMN long level, and just because it has 6 areas doesn't mean that the Electoon cages are in each one of them. Luckily, I managed to find all of them in one sitting, so I won't have to deal with this marathon of a stage, again!


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