Trans Mongolian Railway 2018

Описание к видео Trans Mongolian Railway 2018

This year we traveled on the Zarengold (Tsar's Gold) train from Beijing to Moscow. One of the highlights of the trip was the transit of the Trans Mongolian Railway which starts in Jining, China and is Standard gauge (1435 mm) to the Mongolian border at Erlian (Erenhot), where the gauge changes to Russian standard (1524 mm) the rest of the way. We crossed the Gobi Desert at night. We had a city tour of Ulan Bator which included the small Railway Museum. The Russian border was achieved at Selenge with border crossing formalities handled at Naushki inside Russia. The line then roughly follows the Selenge river to Ulan Ude, where it joins the Trans Siberian Railway. This was the only non-electrified portion of the trip, with a Chinese DF4D, a Mongolian 2ZAGAL GE conversion set, and a Russian 2TE10MK set providing the power in their respective countries.


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