終於吃到了!澳門道地美食!一次吃到夠!人均消費100元!吃7種美食!最美味豬扒包!人氣牛雜!超抵食!CP值極高!排隊美食!街頭小吃!交通路線!美食旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|Macao

Описание к видео 終於吃到了!澳門道地美食!一次吃到夠!人均消費100元!吃7種美食!最美味豬扒包!人氣牛雜!超抵食!CP值極高!排隊美食!街頭小吃!交通路線!美食旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|Macao

   / @huntingarcher  

#澳門 #Macao #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/hydWPVzWr4yoF...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/bd/sjYK
餐厅消费:鮮竹牛肉球 $20,香煎蝦米腸 $24,龍鳳雞球大包 $25,龍鳳鮮蝦餃$30
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/jJpRYTiCuKFmE...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/f0/uXYK
餐厅消费:榴槤糯米糍 $20,芒果汁 $15
餐厅名称:Lord Stow's Bakery (Taipa)
餐厅地址:Edificio Pak Hung, G/F, 9-E 官員也街澳門
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/WytG5qqvSQ3JE...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/cb/J3u
餐厅消费:葡撻 $11
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/4m66AC59aUcFu...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/e3/9VYK
餐厅消费:牛雜-中份 $65
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/5Du2FpjjLNrEW...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/8c/t2YK
餐厅消费:熱咖啡 $20,熱奶茶 $20,豬扒包 $48
官也街(葡萄牙語:Rua do Cunha)位於澳門氹仔市中心地帶;長150公尺、闊5公尺。 南與施督憲正街(Rua Direita Carlos Eugénio)、告利雅施利華街(Rua Correia da Silva)成T字型相交,北與地堡街(Rua do Regedor)、消防局前地成T字型相交, 是澳門新興的著名景點之一,每年吸引的遊客不計其數。
官也街是澳門首個行人專用區,於1983年6月1日實施。 官也街被闢為行人專用區,澳葡政府將狹窄道路加以裝飾,從此成為興旺的遊客區。 由於手信店、食店、甜點店等店舖都集中在此街,不少遊客都在此及地堡街品嚐美食,並在巴波沙總督前地遊覽富有法國文藝復興色彩的飲用水噴泉—— 「和麗女神噴泉」。
氹仔線(葡萄牙語:Linha da Taipa,英文:Taipa Line,英文縮寫:TAL),是澳門輕軌系統首條投入營運的線路,由澳門半島媽閣連接至氹仔氹仔客運碼頭,為澳門輕軌第一期 線路的澳門半島至氹仔跨海段及氹仔段,於2019年12月10日正式通車;於2023年12月8日延伸至澳門半島媽閣站。 路線採雙向行車軌道,呈東西走向,全長12.5公里,共有12個車站。
媽祖閣(葡萄牙語:Templo de A-Má),俗稱媽閣廟(粵語拼音:ma5 gok3 miu6,“媽”變調為“馬”,葡萄牙語:Pagode da Barra) ,舊稱娘媽廟、海覺寺 、天妃廟,是位於澳門半島西南媽閣山山腰上的一座主要奉祀海神媽祖的廟宇,約創建於1553年至1557年前,為澳門標誌性建築物之一,與蓮峰廟及普 濟禪院是澳門三大古剎,也是其中最古老的廟宇。

媽祖閣在建築物上具閩南特色,是澳門現存廟宇中有實物可考的最古老的廟宇,亦是原建築物保存得最長久的澳門文化遺產,見證了澳門數百年來的變遷。 1992年,媽祖閣被當選為「澳門八景」之一,並獲得「媽閣紫煙」這一雅號。 2005年,媽祖閣作為澳門歷史城區的一部分被列入世界文化遺產名錄內。
Rua do Cunha (Portuguese: Rua do Cunha) is located in the center of Taipa, Macau; it is 150 meters long and 5 meters wide. It intersects in a T shape with Rua Direita Carlos Eugénio and Rua Correia da Silva to the south, and intersects with Rua do Regedor and the fire station in front of the fire station in a T shape to the north. It is one of the emerging famous attractions in Macau, attracting countless tourists every year.
The origin of Guanye Street is to commemorate the 81st Governor-General of Macau.
Guanye Street is Macau's first pedestrian zone, which was implemented on June 1, 1983. Guanye Street was turned into a pedestrian area. The Macao and Portuguese governments decorated the narrow road and it has since become a prosperous tourist area. Since souvenir shops, restaurants, dessert shops and other shops are concentrated in this street, many tourists enjoy delicious food here and on Bunker Street, and visit the French Renaissance-style drinking fountain in front of Governor Barbossa - "Fountain of the Goddess of Harmony".
The Taipa Line (Portuguese: Linha da Taipa, English: Taipa Line, English abbreviation: TAL) is the first line of the Macau light rail system put into operation. It connects the Macau Peninsula A-Ma to Taipa Taipa Ferry Terminal and is the first phase of the Macau light rail system. The cross-sea section from Macau Peninsula to Taipa and Taipa section of the line were officially opened to traffic on December 10, 2019; it will be extended to Macau Peninsula A-Ma Station on December 8, 2023. The line adopts two-way traffic track, runs east-west, has a total length of 12.5 kilometers, and a total of 12 stations.
Mazu Pavilion (Portuguese: Templo de A-Má), commonly known as A-Ma Temple (Cantonese Pinyin: ma5 gok3 miu6, "Ma" is changed to "horse", Portuguese: Pagode da Barra), formerly known as Niangma Temple and Haijue Temple. Tianfei Temple is a temple located on the hillside of A-Ma Mountain in the southwest of the Macau Peninsula. It is mainly dedicated to Mazu, the sea god. It was founded about 1553 to 1557 years ago. It is one of the landmark buildings in Macau, together with the Lien Feng Temple and the Pu Ji Chan Yuan is one of the three major ancient temples in Macau and is also the oldest temple among them.


00:00 Intro
00:39 飯店樓下食早餐飲早茶/大龍鳳茶大樓/70年歷史/讀餐牌時間
04:16 鮮竹牛肉球/香煎蝦米腸/龍鳳雞球大包/龍鳳鮮蝦餃
13:31 澳門街景/車水馬龍/沿路古舊建築物
22:31 參觀媽閣廟/遊客蜂擁而至
26:25 澳門輕軌/媽閣站
31:02 官也街/小吃之旅
36:40 榴槤糯米糍/芒果汁/葡撻/牛雜/熱咖啡/熱奶茶/豬扒包
54:02 Ending
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