An Ornithophile

Описание к видео An Ornithophile

An Ornithophile is a 4-minute short documentary about a person who is obsessed with Wildlife, especially Birds in this case. Growing up in the Solomon Islands Dr. Jamie Gundry was already connected to nature by the time he set foot in Great Britain. Jamie went to college where he mostly studied Wildlife, Biology and has a Ph.D. in high-speed Photography. Jamie says he did try to make a full living out of his passion in his thirties but realized in process that he would also be happy teaching about wildlife, biology and photography to students and pass on his knowledge to the next generations. This short film is mainly based in Pennington Flash Nature Reserve in Wigan. This is one of Jamie’s favourite places, famous for serval bird watching hides, Pennington is famous for Passerine and Wading Birds, people from all over the northwest of England visit this gem of a place to watch birds. Jamie loves Puffins and one can see in this film a brief spell of his Puffin Photography collection. He also describes some of his favourite moments in the wild and about the favourite photographs he has taken over the years. Jamie wants to win the Wildlife photographer of the year award but is yet to enter the competition. So, join me for 4 minutes as I take you through the life of a man obsessed with Wildlife, Birds and Teaching which made me call him ‘An Ornithophile’.


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