Mastering English in Billiards

Описание к видео Mastering English in Billiards


Mastering English in billiards involves understanding the different types of spin, calculating each spin separately, and combining them for accurate aiming. Pivot English is a technique that involves pivoting the Cue on a specific point to apply spin. It is important to find the correct Pivot Point and adjust for Throw. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering Pivot English.

Timestamped Highlights

00:32 ⏱️ Mastering English in billiards requires understanding the different types of spin and how they affect the trajectory of the Object Ball.
01:17 ⏱️ Side Spin and Vertical Spin should be treated as separate entities and calculated separately for accurate aiming.
02:05 ⏱️ Pivot English involves pivoting the Cue at a specific point to apply spin and can eliminate deflection and swerve, sending the Cue Ball exactly to Ghost Ball center.
03:32 ⏱️ Adjusting aim to compensate for Throw is necessary when applying side spin to the cue ball.
05:08 ⏱️ The Pivot Point is crucial in achieving accurate spin application and should be located correctly for desired results.
07:19 ⏱️ Different factors, such as Shot Speed, Spin, Cue Ball to Object Ball distance, and type of Shaft, affect the length of the Pivot Points and should always be considered.
09:24 ⏱️ Practice and experimentation are key to mastering Pivot English and becoming proficient in applying spin in billiards.

Key Insights

- 💡 Understanding the different types of spin, such as Top Spin and Draw Spin, is essential in mastering English in billiards. Each spin affects the Cue Ball's trajectory and path differently.
- 💡 Pivot English is a technique that involves pivoting the cue on a specific point when applying spin and can eliminate concern for deflection and swerve. It allows for more accurate aiming and control over the Cue Ball's movement.
- 💡 Adjusting aim to compensate for Throw is necessary when applying side spin to the Cue Ball. The amount of spin applied affects the object ball's path, and proper adjustment is required to achieve the desired result.
- 💡 The Pivot Point plays a vital role in applying accurate spin to the cue ball. Finding the correct Pivot Point ensures that the cue ball follows the desired path and replaces the ghost ball accurately.
- 💡 Factors such as Shot Speed and Cue Ball to Object Ball distance affect the length of the Pivot Point. Considering these factors is crucial in achieving accurate spin application and desired results.
- 💡 Practice and experimentation are key to mastering Pivot English. It is important to practice locating the Pivot Points, adjusting aim for Throw, and becoming familiar with the different factors that influence spin application.
- 💡 Becoming proficient in applying spin in billiards requires dedication and practice. By mastering Pivot English and understanding the principles behind it, players can achieve precise control over the cue ball and improve their gameplay.


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