How a disc gets damaged (cause and cure for slipped disc AKA slip disc)

Описание к видео How a disc gets damaged (cause and cure for slipped disc AKA slip disc)

Neck and back pain are fast becoming an epidemic that has no immunity.

Most common disorder presenting to a spinal surgeon is a herniated or prolapsed intervertebral disc (slipped disc or slipped disc). In these cases, the disc bulges or ruptures either partially or totally, posterior or postero-laterally and presses on the spinal nerve root or foramina.
Some degenerative changes must occur before a disc can herniate. Disc degeneration occurs when there is an increased intra-discal pressure, which results from increased or improper load-bearing activity, such as poor seating posture.

A degenerated disc is a weak disc, in which the annular fiber easily buckle or tear allowing the nucleus to herniated or rupture through.
The RxDecom® together with NSD therapy® system can help undo disc damages.

Call us now at 03-2093-1000 or visit us at to make an appointment and understand more about your body.
Experience the TRUE Spinal Decompression therapy with RxDecom® and say goodbye to your neck and back pain!
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