Ferahfeza Peşrev - İsmail Hakkı Bey - 19th Century Turkish Music

Описание к видео Ferahfeza Peşrev - İsmail Hakkı Bey - 19th Century Turkish Music

Ferahfeza Peşrev is a Turkish classical music piece composed by Muallim İsmail Hakkı Bey. It is played in the Ferahfeza makam (mode). The piece is typically performed on traditional Turkish instruments such as the ney, tanbur, and kanun.

Muallim İsmail Hakkı Bey (1865-1927) was a Turkish composer and music educator who was born in Istanbul, Turkey. He was the son of Reşid Efendi, a member of the İdare-i Hususiye, and was born in the Balat district of Istanbul. After completing primary school, he began working as an apprentice in a weaver's workshop. Later, he became a music teacher and founded the Musiki-i Osmani society and its associated school. İsmail Hakkı Bey was a prolific composer who produced works in a variety of forms, including marches, operettas, and religious music. He composed around one thousand works, including thirty marches, operettas, and religious pieces. He is well known for composing many popular mehter marches, including "Ceddin Deden". He was also a musician who played the oud, violin, and kanun. İsmail Hakkı Bey was a member of the Ottoman musical community and was one of the few musicians to survive into the early years of the Republic of Turkey. He passed away on December 30, 1927, in Istanbul.


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