Schwalm - Traditional Hearty Dishes | What's cookin'

Описание к видео Schwalm - Traditional Hearty Dishes | What's cookin'

Schwalm cooking is simple and hearty. At the time where the people from Schwalm worked out in the fields all day long, rich food was providing them energy. Nowadays, the traditional dishes are still cooked with fatty Speck or dried sausage, and the recipes are passed to the younger generations.

Schwalm is a rural area in the North of the Hessen region in South Eastern Germany. The little river Schwalm gives the area its name. It has always been traditional farming country.
At the turn of the 19th century pastoral scenes fascinated the art world - many artists moved here and a painter’s colony was founded. The museum in Willingshausen is dedicated to the first artists that settled here.

What's cookin' is about traditional culinary recipes from different European regions.

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