#5 Decor a circle by quilling - Trang trí hình tròn bằng giấy cuộn

Описание к видео #5 Decor a circle by quilling - Trang trí hình tròn bằng giấy cuộn

Hello everyone,
The length of the light pink, cream colored strips that I used as the same as the length of A4 sheet, and the length of the green strip; the pink strip and the darker pink strips is about 36 cm, the width is 2 mm, you can use strips with a larger width.

I used a compass to draw a circle R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 with R1=2 cm, R2=4 cm, R3=6 cm, R4=7 cm, R5= 10 cm on A4 sheet. Besides, I divided the circle into 12 equal parts (You can use 30 degree triangle to divide).

Firstly, I used a cream colored strip roll around about 12-13 comb teeth (small teeth) so that the petal length is equal to the radius of R1 (0:20) (I made 18 petals). 6 petals are placed in circle R1 (1:53) and 12 remaining petals are placed in circle R2 (2:42). Then I used 1/2 length of a light pink strips and 1/2 length of a pink strip to fill the petals (4:18). The space is created by the petals when they are joined together is filled with a green strip. I used a comb technic (7:11) as described at the video, (9:07): There is the same the comb technic but I turned the other side so you can follow easily. Then, I covered R2 with a cream colored strip. The remaining space is created by the petals when they are joined together and the circle line R2 is filled with a pieces of green strips of appropriate length (12:55).

Secondly, I used a light pink strip (15:39) with a comb technic as described at the video. After wrapping all the light pink strip, I followed it up with dark pink strip so that the length of the product is equivalent to the length of R3 (the dark pink strip is rolled about 4 comb teeth). I made 5 the products. These products are placed as described in the video (18:45). Then i used a pieces of green strips surrounding these products as described in the video, kindly note that the top of pieces of green strips is placed at the R4. (19:37). The remaining space is filled with the products which is made by another comb technic as described in the video (23:12) (I used a light pink strip, a darker pink strip and 1/2 a green strip). Then, I covered R4 with green strips (26:08).

Finally, I used 1/2 light pink strip and 1/2 darker pink strip with comb technic as described in the video (27:07). I made 5 the products and joined them together and surrounded them with a green strip. Then I made a circle with a light pink strip and a darker pink strip and a green strip (30:00). At the minute (31:23), I used a light green strip and a green strip to make the technic as describe at the video. Then, I covered R5 with green strips (34:22).

Hope this video is helpful for you. Thank you for your watching/ liked/ subscribed/ Sharing.


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