সেলস ও মার্কেটিং কি? এদের মধ্যে পার্থক্য আছে? Sales VS Marketing.What is Sales+Marketing?-Sales Guru

Описание к видео সেলস ও মার্কেটিং কি? এদের মধ্যে পার্থক্য আছে? Sales VS Marketing.What is Sales+Marketing?-Sales Guru

সেলস ও মার্কেটিং কি? এদের মধ্যে পার্থক্য আছে? Sales VS Marketing.What is Sales+Marketing?

What Is a Sale?
A sale is a transaction between two or more parties in which the buyer receives tangible or intangible goods, services, or assets in exchange for money. In some cases, other assets are paid to a seller. In the financial markets, a sale can also refer to an agreement that a buyer and seller make regarding the price of a security.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of studying wants and needs and satisfying them by exchanging goods and services; this results in satisfied buyers and creates profits for sellers.

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