Defining Conscious Exchange [Compassionate Communication Training 1 of 3]

Описание к видео Defining Conscious Exchange [Compassionate Communication Training 1 of 3]

Thank you for joining this training on Compassionate Communication!

If you would like a downloadable transcript of this training content, once its ended: you can go here:

This training came about because our Facebook group has started to grow exponentially, and we have experienced some growing pains in maintaining a culture of conscious, compassionate discussion and discourse among our posts--but more specifically, in the comments on the posts.

We define our Facebook group as "psycho-educational" as opposed to "psycho-therapeutic".
This distinction is very important because the context is very different, with respect to our group mission, our goals for posting and commenting, and also what stage you may be at, in YOUR process.

This may seem a little strange for a Facebook group, but we take our group mission and culture very seriously!

What is so incredibly special about this group is that we try our best to honor the mission statement, and provide our members with adequate guidance and modeling for how to contribute to a psycho educational forum and discussion, with an attitude of compassion, curiosity, and also an awareness for the boundaries of the group rules.

Our Mission
The group mission is to provide a safe space where people that have different perspectives can learn from each other in a healthy and respectful way, so we can expand together!

Today, we are going to focus on defining conscious exchange, which will include the following...

⭐Unconscious communications that block compassion, and how to recognize them.
⭐The difference between processed and unprocessed emotions, and how they are verbally expressed.
⭐How to handle a triggered response.
⭐Defining conscious exchange.

If you would like to join us, you can go here:   / attachmentinadultrelationships  

If you would like a downloadable transcript of this training content, once its ended: you can go here:
Want to learn more? ⭐


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Instagram: @BrianaMacWilliam

Facebook group:   / attachmentinadultrelationships  



Информация по комментариям в разработке