Uncertainty of Toggling Wake Steering Experiments under Different Atmospheric Conditions, LES Study

Описание к видео Uncertainty of Toggling Wake Steering Experiments under Different Atmospheric Conditions, LES Study

IEA Wind Task 44 presents this talk from Nov. 2023 by Søren Juhl Andersen of Technical University of Denmark. Titled "Uncertainty of Toggling in Wake Steering Experiments Under Different Atmospheric Conditions: An LES Study," this presentation delves into the complexities of wind farm control and its potential to mitigate adverse wake effects.

Wind farm control has the potential to mitigate the adverse wake effects, but field experiments are subject to significant uncertainties and therefore large scale validation still lacks robustness. A crucial aspect is to compare the impact of wind farm control to comparable conditions for normal operation, for instance during toggling tests, where wind farm control is activated and deactivated over comparable periods. This study compares the statistical similarity of such toggle tests using LES under different atmospheric stability conditions.


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