떡국떡 끓이지않고 이렇게 드셔보세요!! 잃었던 입맛이 살아납니다!! 떡국떡깻잎볶음 Tteokguk (rice cake soup) dish

Описание к видео 떡국떡 끓이지않고 이렇게 드셔보세요!! 잃었던 입맛이 살아납니다!! 떡국떡깻잎볶음 Tteokguk (rice cake soup) dish

떡국떡 500그램
깻잎 20장
마늘 5알
기름 5큰술
베트남고추 2개
누룩간장 3큰술
고춧가루 3큰술
후춧가루 톡톡
굴소스 1큰술

(Stir-fried rice cake soup and sesame leaves)
500 grams of rice cake soup
20 perilla leaves
5 pieces of garlic
5 tablespoons of oil
Two Vietnamese peppers
3 tablespoons of yeast soy sauce
3 tablespoons of red pepper powder
Pepper dripping
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce

#볶음떡국떡 #떡국떡요리 #떡볶이 #기름떡볶이 #소교식탁tv


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