HOW TO RESET A W163 FOB KEY uploaded by 007rickie

Описание к видео HOW TO RESET A W163 FOB KEY uploaded by 007rickie

I drove my car parked up got out and pressed the fob key to lock it up and nothing was happening. So I checked my doors to see if one of them was not closed properly but they all were. So then I went and bought a pk of batteries which are the CR2025 and still nothing was happening. So after looking for solutions on YT I didn't come up with anything for MY car. I then looked in my manual and found what I have to do. And couldn't believe it when it actually worked! Hope this video is helpful to anyone having the same issues I was having. Don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe so you wont miss any of my videos and share cause you never know who might need help! Thanks for watching guys.


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