Stove, Cooking, Gasoline, M-1942 Modified. 1 Each.

Описание к видео Stove, Cooking, Gasoline, M-1942 Modified. 1 Each.

This video is a demonstration of a W.W. 2 Pocket Stove that would have been used by 1 to 3 Men to heat food while on the battlefield. It was designed to burn Gasoline that had a maximum octane rating of 70. I use Coleman Camping Fuel that is known as Petroleum Naphtha. It has an octane rating somewhere in the range of 45 to 56. It is highly flammable and burns exceptionally clean. It is also very expensive, priced from $10 to $15 per gallon. Despite the cost, Naphtha will stay fresh for a very long period of time.
Because the fuel is so volatile and the pocket stove is so efficient, it may take about 4 weeks for 1 person cooking 2 times a day to burn through an entire gallon.


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