HEROIC Morchok (10-man) - Fire Mage PoV - HD

Описание к видео HEROIC Morchok (10-man) - Fire Mage PoV - HD

This is our first kill of HEROIC Morchok (10-man) as a guild.

Guild: The Machine of Sylvanas-EU (Horde).

Kill date: 8th of December, 2011.

PoV: Zumzar - Fire Mage.

We used 2 tanks, 4 healers and 4 dps for this.

We killed it on the 3rd try, so don't expect perfect play from my part, as I was really still in the process of finding out how to play this fight perfectly, with cooldowns, positioning etc.

So, yeah. Pretty straight forward fight, which we managed to kill on our 3rd attempt ever. We basically spread the raid in two groups, whilst having a designated 2nd soaker (other than the tank) on each side. On one side, we used a Holy Paladin and on the other side we used a Balance Druid, who went into Bearform every Stomp. Next time, we'll probably use a more efficient tactic, that allows multidotting, but either way. We killed it! :)

Personally, as it was only our 3rd attempt, I didn't do too well to be honest. I scorched too much, as I was really focusing on positioning myself well for Stomp and Crystals. On a sidenote, I hate when Combustion is off cd for 30 secs, whilst not getting a decent crit. If that wouldn't have happened, I could've squeezed in another Combustion.

Ventrilo: Yes, for the entire fight.

WoL from the kill: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/nx...

My UI in 1920x1080 (Updated for 4.3): http://www.gamefront.com/files/210680...

Songs: The songs are listed at the end credits, in order of appearance.


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