Bulls vs Knicks Rivalry Part 2: The Battle Rages On (1994 & 1996 Playoffs)

Описание к видео Bulls vs Knicks Rivalry Part 2: The Battle Rages On (1994 & 1996 Playoffs)

Part 2 is here, this one is concentrated on 1994 EC semifinals (Bulls without Jordan) and 1996 EC semifinals.

During the 1994 series (Game 3), crazy fight took place in the middle of a game. English and Harper squared off on the court and eventually ended up in the stands. David Stern was in attendance at the game and saw the entire thing take place. Kukoc won Game 3 at the buzzer, Scottie was fuming on the bench because Phil draw a play for Toni.

There's also a phantom foul call on Pippen in pivotal Game 5 and Pippen killing Ewing in Game 6.

Knicks finally won the series against Chicago in Game 7, but with Jordan back in 1996, Bulls won it again easily (4-1).

Towards the end of Game 5 of their 1996 playoff series, Chicago was leading comfortably and well on their way to a 4-1 series win. So after sinking a three-pointer, MJ turned to Spike Lee and waved goodbye. After the game, Jordan said, "He can have a safe flight home," when Craig Sager asked him about Spike. It was the last time Jordan would square off against the Knicks in the playoffs.

The two franchises haven't met in the playoffs since.


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