Unmasking the Secrets of Parafunction

Описание к видео Unmasking the Secrets of Parafunction

Amidst a world overshadowed by stress and anxiety, our jaws unknowingly engage in a silent battle of parafunction, labeled as clenching and bruxing. These elusive adversaries, often neglected and under-addressed, can trigger a cascade of dental problems, compromising the integrity of teeth and surrounding structures.

As diligent guardians of oral health, we as dentists have a crucial role to play in debunking these hidden culprits.

Prevention lies at the heart of our mission. By implementing proactive measures, such as customized mouthguards and occlusal splints, we can provide a protective barrier, shielding teeth from the destructive forces of clenching and bruxing. These interventions alleviate the burden on the temporomandibular joints, reduce muscle tension, and prevent dental wear, fractures, and pain. Armed with knowledge and empathy, we can empower our patients with awareness and understanding to prevent or control the extent of their pathofunction.

However, our responsibility does not end with prevention alone. As dental healthcare providers, we must offer targeted interventions to those affected. From therapeutic exercises and stress management techniques to orthodontic corrections and occlusal adjustments, we tailor our approach to address each patient's unique needs. By restoring harmonious occlusion, we restore balance, relieving the strain on the masticatory system and promoting long-term dental health.

For patients where severe damage has already been done, a full mouth reconstruction is in order to arrest the breakdown and restore function, aesthetics, and comfort. When treating such complex rehabilitations, it is extremely important to differentiate between clenching and bruxing, as the prognosis for success is different for both entities.

While clenching is a vertical pathofunction with very good long-term stability, a bruxer with a horizontal pathofunction can be very tricky to maintain stable over years, following an FMR.

In this video, I not only help you differentiate between the acts of clenching and bruxing, but also make key recommendations for anterior guidance setting when treating these patients, an aspect that is vital to success.

Together, let us unmask the hidden culprits of clenching and bruxing, standing as unwavering advocates for dental health. By embracing prevention, implementing protective measures, and offering personalized interventions, we pave the way for resilient smiles, preserved teeth, and a harmonious oral health journey that spans a lifetime.

To connect with my practice- Smile Masters and Jaw Joint Matters: Mumbai; India
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/7738968210
E-Mail: [email protected]
Feel free to line up a Zoom online consult if you reside outside Mumbai.

Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/drmoezkhakiani?...

If you wish to learn more about full mouth reconstructions and temporomandibular Joint Disorders from me, log into https://www.mikeducation.com/ (For Dentists) where you can find elaborate workshops with in-depth training in the diagnosis and management of these conditions.


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