Just Paintin' Next 2 US Airborne Warlord Games Bolt Action WWII Band of Brothers Box Project Part 2

Описание к видео Just Paintin' Next 2 US Airborne Warlord Games Bolt Action WWII Band of Brothers Box Project Part 2

Another paint job finished on these next few US Airborne soldiers. Not sure how many I have left to go but I might be over half way on these guys. Eventually I will be doing the Germans....

Sorry about the ugly bandage I have on in half the video. My job chews up my fingers pretty good at times and I need to get them healed.

I like the color scheme of these guys and will probably use this for the rest of the US Airborne that I have left. I have done enough that I dont even really have to check my reference sheet anymore hehe...

Thanks for watching! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you have not already! The channel has had some great growth recently and I am so thankful! I really am still new to all this and its a good confidence booster. Please stay tuned for tons more to come!

Music - Neon Browne AKA Something With Teeth https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Z2f6...
Songs in this video were made for me for my videos by a friend but the
link above is other music by my friend and his band.

Reminder, I am not a teacher or an expert....obviously! HAHA... I have only been painting a little over a year and am constantly learning and sharing my ups and downs with you. I do not wargame either, at least not YET. I just like to paint. I don't always follow exact historical colors etc either. I like to paint what looks neat to me.

Want to help me get more miniatures to paint?
Here is my Amazon Wishlist! Help the channel and help choose the content! Not necessary to buy anything but would help a lot and give me more to film. Thanks to all who do get something off the list!


Want to help me get more paint for the reference sheet? Here is a link for donations. I get no money from Youtube and work a full time job to pay for my supplies but if you want to donate, please do and I will do a lot more on the reference sheets or other supplies... Thanks. Absolutely not necessary of course but appreciated.


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