Описание к видео PRAYER IS FOUNDATION // David Yonggi Cho

Here are the key points from Dr. David Cho's message on building a church:

1. Vision is Crucial: A strong, clear vision is essential for guiding and growing the church. It sets the direction and purpose for the church's mission.

2. Prayer is the Foundation: Consistent and dedicated prayer is the backbone of a successful church. It strengthens the spiritual foundation and brings divine guidance.

3. Faith is Essential: Faith in God's promises and provision is necessary to overcome challenges and obstacles. Trusting in God is key to seeing the vision come to life.

4. Unity and Commitment: The church community must be united in purpose and committed to the vision. This collective effort is vital for the church's growth and impact.

5. Action is Required: Alongside prayer and faith, practical steps must be taken to implement the vision. It requires hard work, dedication, and persistence.

6. Dependence on the Holy Spirit: Relying on the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit is critical in every step of building and sustaining the church.


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