MASTER JavaScript Classes in Under 7 Minutes! #28

Описание к видео MASTER JavaScript Classes in Under 7 Minutes! #28

1. **Blueprint for Objects**: A class in JavaScript is a template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (properties) and implementations of behavior (methods).

2. **Class Declaration**: Defined using the `class` keyword followed by the class name, e.g., `class Car {}`.

3. **Constructor Method**: A special method named `constructor` is used for initializing new instances of the class. It is automatically called when a new instance is created.

4. **Methods**: Functions that define the behavior of objects created by the class. They are added directly within the class body.

5. **Instantiation**: Objects are created using the `new` keyword, followed by the class name, e.g., `const myCar = new Car();`.

6. **Inheritance**: A class can inherit properties and methods from another class using the `extends` keyword, enabling code reuse.

7. **Encapsulation**: Classes provide a way to encapsulate data and functionality together, which can help in organizing and structuring code.

8. **Prototype-based**: Even though classes provide a new syntax, JavaScript still uses its underlying prototype-based inheritance model.

9. **Static Methods**: Methods defined with the `static` keyword belong to the class itself and are not available on instances.

10. **Getters and Setters**: Special methods to get or set the values of object properties, enhancing control over how these properties are accessed or modified.


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