Godzilla Battle Line: Fun Teams in Ranked

Описание к видео Godzilla Battle Line: Fun Teams in Ranked

I've been trying out some different teams and combos in ranked recently to spice things up and have some fun. Spacegodzilla and Minilla are a very good defensive combo, they cause a lot of disruption with the crystals and stuns. It can be difficult for single target monsters to get through them. MKG I don't often use cause the other meta fliers are just cheaper and better most of the time, but if you have energy base (and pray your opponent doesn't have trains) he can still put in work. He does well with the others too since he can fly over Spacegodzilla's crystals and has aoe. Burning Godzilla I've been having a ton of fun with recently too. I might actually prefer him over G54 now because there's no rng factor that can screw you up. Burning pairs well with Bio cause usually you place both of them in water, and Bio can clear a path for Burning with her high dps and aoe. Both of them can be sped up by Gigan leader of course, so if you feel like you have enough of Burning Godzilla's meter filled and need to get him on the leader, you can rush them in. Kiryu and Gigan 04 I just kinda threw them in for fun. They didn't pop off or anything but it's always a good time with them.


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