Titan Missle Museum Tour (FULL)

Описание к видео Titan Missle Museum Tour (FULL)

Not long ago, we visited the Titan Missile Museum near Tucson, AZ. It is a placed filled with many amazing and fascinating objects from the Cold War Era. Among those objects is an ACTUAL Titan 2 nuclear missile!!! That's right, NOT a replica or reproduction. For decades, this VERY missile was "pointed" at a classified site in the former Soviet Union. Obviously, the nuclear payload has been removed, but the ACTUAL missile is still there, and you can see it for yourself. Below the museum is the actual military silo that houses the missile. It is a truly amazing experience!!

We usually try not to include large sections of tours in our videos - but this one is different. The information on the tour is something every American should know. It's important. So we included ALMOST all of it. It's longer than our usual videos, but the subject matter is, again, important.

We hope you watch it to the end, and share it with a friend to better understand some of the scarier aspects of modern life. Call it perspective.


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