Stuck in a cabin with Bucky Barnes | Marvel Ambience - snowstorm, fireplace, radio, talking

Описание к видео Stuck in a cabin with Bucky Barnes | Marvel Ambience - snowstorm, fireplace, radio, talking

After escaping Hydra, you find yourselves walking through a heavy snow storm in Siberia, until you stumble upon a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. There you find some leftover logs, a shitty radio and a single blanket. Bucky reassures you that everything will be fine and you soon will be able to contact someone.


This was my first time using an AI-voice, although in this video I used a mix of real voice-samples and AI. I hope you enjoyed it and remember you can always send in requests. Love to y'all :D

0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Snowstorm
3:10 - Fireplace
5:15 - Radio
30:02 - Only snow and fire


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