"Unleash the Flavor: 3 Delicious Ways to Cook Taro"

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Cooking Taro 3 Ways

Taro roots is one of the Samoan's main food to eat main dishes just like the potato and how it is cooked. Not everyone grew up in the islands, so I hope this episode will help someone who wants to learn to cook taro. It can be boiled or roast or it can be added to some main dishes like Faausi. Here are few ways I cooked taro. I want to be creative and have some options for my family to enjoy a different taste instead of just boiling it and adding coconut cream. Hope you enjoy it.


1.Boiled Taro with Coconut Cream / Faalifu Talo

• Raw taro
• Coconut Cream
• 1 tbs Salt
• 4 Litres Boiling Water

2.Taro & Chicken Curry

• 6 chicken legs cut in 3 pieces
• 2 tbs all purpose flour
• 1 large onion chopped small
• 4 -5 garlic minced
• 1 tbs ginger powder
• Handful of dried curry leaves
• 2-3 tbs curry powder
• 3 cubes of chicken stock
• 4 cups of warm water
• 1-2 cups of chopped raw taro
• 1-2 cups chopped carrots
• Salt and pepper to season

3.Taro Burger

• 500grams beef mince
• 1 sachet of French onion soup mix
• 1 tbs mixed herbs
• 1 /2 cup panko breadcrumbs
• 2 eggs
• 1 tsp black pepper
• Slices of cooked taro flatten then fried for few minutes to get crispy
• Chopped lettuce and tomatoes
• Round onions
• Burger sauce of your choice
• Fried eggs and bacon


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Order 'Meals with Milz' Cookbook Vol.1 and Merchandise: https://mealswithmilz.com/

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