Age of Empires IV Civilization walkthrough Play as the Ottomans

Описание к видео Age of Empires IV Civilization walkthrough Play as the Ottomans

My play through as the Ottomans

The Ottomans in Age of Empires 4 are a powerful civilization focused on building a strong military force. Here are their key features, unique researches, and unique units:


Military School: The Ottomans have a unique building called the Military School, which can continuously train units of a specified type for free, but at a slower rate. This allows you to steadily build up your army without having to constantly produce new units from your barracks.

Imperial Arsenal: This landmark building unlocks powerful Vizier points, which can be used to research unique Ottoman bonuses. These bonuses can give you a significant advantage on the battlefield.

Influence: The Ottomans also have a special mechanic called Influence. Military buildings built within the range of a Forge or University train units faster, allowing you to quickly pump out your army.

Unique Researches

Abus Gunpowder: This research increases the attack range of all Ottoman gunpowder units.

Janissary Foundry: This research allows Janissaries to repair siege weapons, making them a more versatile unit.

Kapikulu Cavalry: This research upgrades all Ottoman cavalry units, giving them a bonus to attack and defense.

Unique Units

Sipahi: A light cavalry unit that deals bonus damage to ranged units but takes more damage from melee attacks. They also have a special ability called Tenacity, which increases their damage output.

Mehter: A support unit that can boost the stats of nearby Ottoman military units with its war drums.

Janissary: A powerful gunpowder unit that is strong against cavalry and can repair siege weapons.

Grand Galley: A large warship that can be built from a Water Gate. It is more powerful than a standard Galley and can be converted into a floating Military School.

With their strong military focus and unique units, the Ottomans are a great civilization for players who want to dominate the battlefield in Age of Empires 4.


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