60 Minute Vinyasa Flow - Strong Classic Flow

Описание к видео 60 Minute Vinyasa Flow - Strong Classic Flow

This is a 60 Minute Strong Vinyasa Flow with a classic sequence of familiar poses. Class focusses on building heat or 'Tapas'. It is a challenging, intermediate, heat building flow covering all the classics. Warm up with a seated shoulder sequence, twist and side body stretch, feel good cat and cow followed by Surya Namaskar A's & B's. We dance through a warrior flow and continue to build internal heat. Class includes warriors, Triangle, 1/2 moon (Ardha Chandrasana), side plank (Vastisasana variation), Kakasana (Crow variation) and a chair balance sequence. Toward the end of practice, I offer an opportunity to invert - shoulderstand or legs up and a cool down with a deep outer hip stretch, twist!
It's a physical, brisk practice, but not advanced... just one that invigorates and may make you sweat! A special request from a youtube subscriber...thanks Vikram!
Ralphie makes an appearance with some candid and interesting interruptions. We are still in lockdown and shooting from home. I'll hopefully be back in the studio soon and on parole from our lock in! Enjoy!

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