3 Part Stories Lesson 3: Collaborative Story-Building Game!

Описание к видео 3 Part Stories Lesson 3: Collaborative Story-Building Game!

In this video, Kate and I will share a fun game I love to play with students, and tell you how to adapt it for parent-child play! You'll learn how to use the three part story structure to brainstorm a plot together that you can then tell to somebody else. In our video I tell the story to Kate at the end, and it can be helpful for parents or adults to model this method for their children by telling the story, but it's also a great exercise to have your kid step into the driver's seat and tell the story themselves!

I also wanted to add—I noticed the prior videos were a bit quiet, so I've edited some of the audio with this one to hopefully boost sound and reduce background noise. Bear with me as I figure this YouTube thing out! ;)


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