Here are the first words you’ll need to know in Hebrew

Описание к видео Here are the first words you’ll need to know in Hebrew

In this video I explain the most basic Hebrew vocabulary. I start off by going through the basic Hebrew everyday phrases such as “hello” “my name is” and “excuse me” and then move on to common verbs and nouns.

Link to Hebrew Lesson one:

This is your easy guide into basic Hebrew grammar
   • This is your easy guide into basic He...  

(Shalom) שלום hello/ goodbye
(Ma shlomcha/shlomech) מה שלומך/ מה שלומך how are you
(Hakol baseder) הכל בסדר I'm doing well (everything is in order
(Ma shimcha/shimech) מה שמך /מה שמך what is your name
(Shemi) שמי my name is
(Slicha) סליחה excuse me/ sorry
(Toda) תודה thank you
(Bavakasha) בבקשה please/ you're welcome

(Ani rotzeh/ rotzah) אני רוצה/ רוצה I want
(Ani tzerich/ tzricha) אני צריך/ צריכה I need
(Ani Holech/ holechet) אני הולך/ הולכת I walk
(Ani midaber/midaberet אני מדבר /מדברת I speak
(Ani omer/omeret) אני אומר/ אומרת I say
(Ani yodea/ yodaat) אני יודע /יודעת I know
(Ani mevin/ mevinah) אני מבין /מבינה I understand

(Bayit) בית house
(Mayim) מים water
(Shilchan) שלחן table
(Sefer) ספר book
(Yeled) ילד boy
(Yalda) ילדה girl
(Ish ) איש man
(Isha) אישה woman



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