Your guideline to Shabbat

Описание к видео Your guideline to Shabbat

In this video I teach Yiddish vocabulary along the topic of Shabbat. The Jewish day of rest has many restrictions and customs which I explain further in this video

לעכט- candles.

אנצינדען /אויסלעשן to light or extinguish

צו איינקויפן to shop.

צו שרייבן to write.

צו פלאנצען to plant

צו שלאפן to sleep.

צו באקן to bake.

צו דאווענען to pray.

זיך אנצוגרייטן to prepare oneself.

עסן food.

א שפיל a game.

א בוך A book

צו שמיסן to chat.

הייליג. Holy.



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