Video Marketing for Business // 3 MUST HAVE video types for 2020

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In Video Marketing for business the end goal is… sales, right?
So why not make every video in our strategy all about selling? *SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE TIPS AND TACTICS FOR EFFECTIVE ONLINE VIDEO STRATEGY*

When we recognise that people make purchase decisions based on emotion first, then that becomes clear.

After all, selling can feel like a slap in the face, unless we’ve built a relationship with our customer first.

So if it’s not all about selling - what types of videos should you have in your business for an effective video marketing strategy…
I’m going to break down the 3 core types.

In a previous video I broke down the concept of feel, think, do as it applies to humans and marketing and so in this video, I’m going to take this idea and make it tactical for you by sharing how this relates to the 3 video types that every business needs.

Remember, that in marketing the goal is to allow our ideal customer to connect with our business on an emotional level first. Great first impressions count (wink)

So, to do this we need to create a video strategy that allows people to BUY IN before we ask them to BUY.

And getting that ‘buy in’ is exactly the goal for video type #1.

I call this video type a brand story OR why video, and it’s intended to do a few important things;
First, to establish connection with your ideal customer. To show them that you get them, and understand them. If you ideal customer watches this video and doesn’t feel that this video is for them… then you’ve missed the mark.

The second thing this type of video should do is take the viewer on some sort of journey, so that they can clearly understand that you and your business can take them from where they are now, to where they want to go. This is the power of a storytelling approach in this first video type.

The third thing that this type of video needs to do is to communicate your brand’s ‘why’ …
Because when people engage with your underlying why, the reason your brand or business exists in the world.. Then they will connect on an emotional level the power of which simply can’t be underestimated.

So - first video type. Storytelling.

The second type of video your business needs moves into the middle of the funnel to connect with your customer at the point where they are starting to consider making a purchase of some sort.

This type of video needs to provide value to your audience, to educate, inform or entertain them. To deepen the relationship with them, prior to trying to convert them into a customer.

I call this type of video ‘helpful content’

The goal here is to use video that allows you and your people to show up for your ideal customer with the information that they are looking for. To position you, and your people as experts, and your products as the best fit for their individual needs.

The power of video here is that it allows people to continue to connect emotionally to your brand, but also start to think rationally about buying from you.

Importantly - these videos are NOT sales pitches. You need to filter everything you do in these types of videos through the question… what’s in it for them. The audience, your customer.

So after helpful content we move through to the third type of video that every business needs and I call this type ‘sales focussed’ video.

After all, if we don’t create marketing that influences sales… you won’t have much of a business for long.

Sales focussed videos need to do exactly that. Make the sale.

These videos should be all about the rational objections, questions and concerns that a potential customer might have to buying from you. Overcome those objections and move them closer towards the sale through video that directly addresses these issues and answers those lingering questions.

The role of this type of video is effectively to do online what a good sales person should do offline in a bricks and mortar type business.

If you play this video type right, and use them in the right ways online, then the barriers to sale come breaking down, and the conversions start rolling in.

3 types of videos critical for any business to have in place. Storytelling / Helpful content and Sales Focused…
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