How to Bigspin Easily with This Scooping Method | Flatgound Skateboarding Trick Tips 11/100

Описание к видео How to Bigspin Easily with This Scooping Method | Flatgound Skateboarding Trick Tips 11/100

In this video, i’ll be showing you my technique on how to bigspin. Backside bigspins are nice tricks to do but can be challenging if you don’t apply the right technique. The board can flip on you or you can slip out. This how to bigspin video will show you a technique on how to keep the board under you when you’re scooping the board and help you land your first bigspin!


The secret to landing bs bigspins is to scoop your board this way, lean forward a bit and let your momentum finish the 180 spin.

In this video, i’m going to show you the step by step process on how to apply this technique yourself to either improve your bigspins or land your very first one.

let’ s start!

Make sure you have pop shove its and bs 180 down before trying bigspins.

The bs 180 is very important to learning bigspins so make sure you have a good understanding of bs 180s before attempting bigspins.

It’s also nice to have fakie bigspins down too.

It helps you understand how the trick is done, but it’s not mandatory to have down.

This is my foot position for a bigspin.

My backfoot is entirely on the tail with no toes hanging off. I know some people like to have some of their toes hanging off but i find that it causes the board to flip so i prefer to have none of my toes hanging off the board.

My front foot is just below the bolts in a pointy direction. Try to line up your big toe with the edge of the heelflip side of the bolts as shown here.

And that’s my foot position for a big spin.

Ride at a comfortable speed.

Take a look at my shoulder here. Notice how i’m winding up for the bs 180 spin?

Start turning your body 90 degrees. Don’t pop the board yet and as this is all happening begin bringing your front foot up to get it out of the way.

Once you’re at the 90 degree point, pop the board.

Don’t scoop the board horizontally with your back foot.

You want to scoop the board to the 90 degree direction towards the nose of the skateboard.

You may assume that to do a bigspin, you have to scoop horizontally, but i find that scooping towards the 90 degree point keeps the board from flipping on you and keeps it underneath you.
So scoop in this direction.

Right when this is all happening, you want to lean forward just as much as you would if you were doing a backside 180.

Keep your shoulder at the 90 degree point for a millisecond longer than you normally would do for bs 180s.

Watch the board do a 180 rotation and your front foot will naturally catch the board.

Let momentum swing you around to complete the 180 rotation. Land and ride away clean!

Congratulations! You just landed a bigspin!

The keys to this trick is to lean forward just like a bs 180, keep your shoulders at the 90 degree point just a millisecond longer than you normally would, scoop the board towards the 90 degree direction and watch it do a 180 rotation.

Your front foot will catch the board and let momentum help you complete the full spin.

If you’re having trouble then just try practicing stationary bigspins.

Once you’ve got it down, put some speed into it and you got this!

I say one of the most common issues to bigspins is landing one with one foot even though you are committing to the trick.

And this is because you are turning too fast so you're losing the board turning the rotation.

So to fix this issue, you just gotta turn slower. Slow the turn of the bs 180, keep your shoulder at 90 degrees longer than you want and you got this!

The next common problem is landing too much on the tail and slipping out.

And that’s because you’re not leaning forward enough to stay in the middle of the board.

So you have to lean forward just like a bs 180. That way, you’ll stay balanced in the middle of the board.

To recap,

Wind up with your shoulders.

Start turning 90 degrees, don’t pop the board yet.

At 90 degrees, pop and Scoop the board this way and lift your front foot up so it doesn’t flick the board.

Keep your shoulders at the 90 degree point and watch the board do a 180 rotation here.

Then let your momentum swing you around and your front foot will catch the board.

Land it and ride away clean.

I hope this bigspin trick tip helped you learn bigspins. If it did please let me know in the comment box below or any struggles you are facing while trying this trick out. I’ll see if i can help you out.

Once you have mastered bigspins, it’s time to try bigspin flips or even fakie bigger spin flips. If you want to learn how to bigspin flip, please see this trick tip here and i’ll see you all in the next video.

Take Care!


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