Tommy Tutty, Mick and Jimmy Higgins - “A Ramble Through Time: Folklore and Memory from Wexford”

Описание к видео Tommy Tutty, Mick and Jimmy Higgins - “A Ramble Through Time: Folklore and Memory from Wexford”

This recording is from a larger collection which was recorded and produced by Wexford artist/folklorist Michael Fortune in September 2018 with Mick and Jimmy Higgins, Clonsilla and Tommy Tutty, Ballyfad, Gorey, Co. Wexford entitled “A Ramble Through Time... Vol. 1 - Folklore and Memories of Country Life from Co. Wexford”. This collection has been catalogued for ease of viewing and for research purposes.


Chapters, Topics and Times - Compiled by Michael Fortune, December 2018

(Part 3) - Tommy Tutty, Mick Higgins and Jimmy Higgins

1. Early Memories of School (0min 00sec - 3min 16sec)
2. Teachers, Priests, Christian Brothers, Guards and Authority (3min 16sec - 7min 07sec)
3. Leaving School and Deaths of Pupils (7min 07sec - 9min 36sec)
4. A Protestant in a Catholic School (9min 36sec - 12min 10sec)
5. Local Teachers and Left and Right Handed Pupils (12min 10sec - 14min 28sec)
6. Pushing the Teacher’s Car and Using a Horse to Pull a Car (14min 28sec - 16min 50sec)
7. General Memories of School (16min 50sec - 18min 21sec)
8. Mitching School (18min 21sec - 24min 19sec)
9. Confirmation Pressures at School (24min 19sec - 26min 23sec)
10. Secondary Education and Leaving School to Work (26min 23sec - 30min 51sec)
11. Pastimes: Playing Hurling, Football and Skittles. Also making Racing Trolleys and Hurls.
Courting and Local Dances (30min 51sec - 41min 25sec)
12. Old Time and New Time (41min 25sec - 43min 51sec)
14. Words and Sayings (43min 51sec


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