Tales of Destiny PSX: Leon Magnus & Pierre de Chaltier Arte Exhibition

Описание к видео Tales of Destiny PSX: Leon Magnus & Pierre de Chaltier Arte Exhibition

Part of the [Arte Archive] Playlist:    • [Arte Archive] Project (LEGACY)  

And now for the original asshole/tragic hero of the series!
Leon is a pretty dull character to speak of when it comes to Artes since, well, a lot of his Artes are just nearly the same as other characters. All but Marian / Demon Attack (geesh that localization) are just slight variations of other existing Artes in Stahn or Rutee.
Still Leon comes off as having some really good moves stolen right here and Marian isn't bad at all due to its reach and dizzy properties. Though if you ever use it during regular gameplay, that's some pretty impressive grinding on your part.

Chaltier has Pikohan.
That's all.
Oh and he has Press, the most underrated spell of the years. I found it comically bland when I seen it at first but seeing Chaltier even uses it in his human form in ToD2 I wonder if it wasn't some sort of signature spell of his only to be retconned into Air Pressure...
Well at least Press evolved into the much prettier Rock Mountain in ToP PSX!

Video Type: Arte Exhibition


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