Oval cut diamond engagement ring – 3 tips to buy the right one

Описание к видео Oval cut diamond engagement ring – 3 tips to buy the right one

Oval cut diamonds are like elongated round diamonds, but the appeal of these loose diamonds goes much deeper. Oval cuts can have similar brilliance of the round diamond (if it's cut well), but it has a more unique shape. They are a fashionable diamond cut that, when cut well, can look larger than a round diamond.

In this video, Vanessa Nicole talks about various oval cut engagement ring tips. If you love all the ones you see here on the video, visit our website for more amazing designs. The tips discussed in this video are quite practical and help to ensure you get the perfect shine and brilliance for your diamond.

Oval cut diamond engagement ring - 3 tips to buy the right one
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// I N Q U I R I E S

All rings are handcrafted in our beautiful San Diego studio, although 70% of our clients are OUTSIDE of San Diego.
–– We work with clients Worldwide ––

All 5 Star Reviews From Past Clients, And We Earn Each One By Creating An Amazing Experience For You.

Have Your Custom Engagement Ring Made By Vanessa Nicole, an Award Winning Designer & Master Diamond Setter at Vanessa Nicole Jewels. She is also the #1 Bestselling Author of 'The Perfect Custom Engagement Ring.'

► S U B S C R I B E H E R E:

Feedback From One of Vanessa's YouTube Viewers:
"I want to say that I love love love your youtube videos...and you helped me answer a huge lingering question that I had about halo rings...
I couldn't figure out why I absolutely LOVED some and hated others. And it all made sense when I watched your video about building the halo to fit the exact shape of the diamond, and setting the diamond low so that there can be 'seamless bling'...Yay!"
– Teckla Clay
Los Angeles, CA

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// L O C A T I O N
Serving Worldwide | Studio in San Diego, California

➤ 70% of our clients are NOT local to San Diego.

We’ve created custom rings for clients in nearly every State in America + Australia, Switzerland, Tahiti, Canada, London, Hong Kong and more!

Vanessa Nicole Jewels
861 6th Avenue, Suite 715
San Diego CA 92101
United States
(619) 800-0134
[email protected]

// R E L A T E D V I D E O S

→ Oval Diamond Size Comparison | Facebook Post Recap of 1.50ct Oval Diamond
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This video showcases a 2.80ct Oval Halo Engagement Ring.

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#Ovalcutdiamondengagementring #OvalDiamondRingSizeComparison #ovalcutdiamondring


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