Flight of the Crane《迎鹤飞》 - 王鹤棣 1220 生贺
(Singers) 紫芯小雨
看焰火 升腾坠落 放一秒光热
Looking at fireworks flying and falling in a moment of flaming heat.
就像我 甘做萤火 照亮你一刻
I am willing to become a firefly to shine on your every moment.
风吹过 星闪烁 玫瑰在角落开着
The wind whisks by, the stars are shining, and the roses bloom in the corner.
我停泊 不忍负少年绝色
I’ve anchored, bearing the colors of youth.
面具遮 言辞涩 真心无畏对或错
Hidden behind the mask of challenging words, honesty is not afraid of right or wrong.
尘微末 却能把韶光勾勒
The ashes are small, but it can trace alluring lights.
流星落 与寺歌 雪飘雾都倾城色
Falling stars with temple hymns, snow and mist cover the city.
人影错 镜头切过浮华与烟火
Misguided figure, the camera cuts through the glitz and fireworks.
(Singers) 王鹤棣和他的月亮 / 河堤的鸭鸭/D-Rosy
将夜隔 天乍破 沙雪掩没了车辙
The eve spent, the morrow emerges, and the wheel tracks are covered in sand and snow.
风波恶 箭意萧瑟 挽不回人心寥落
The turmoil is malevolent, the arrows are dismal, and the hearts of the people are not restored.
祈神佛 晓惶惑 把热爱埋进生活
Pray to the gods to ease confusion and bury love into their lives.
Perched in the center of the net for a moment.
(Singers) Rainnie_Dy
学会了 偶尔沉默 看天的颜色
Learning, sometimes quietly observing the colors of the sky.
聆听着 欢呼指责 像潮起潮落
Listening, praises and reprimands are like high and low tides.
遇深壑 垄上卧 看过阑珊的灯火
Encountering, in a deep ravine, I saw the dimming lights.
人难测 爱与恨一字之隔
People are unpredictable, love and hate are just one word apart.
梦陷落 光微弱 迢迢前路更曲折
Dreams fall, lights turn weaker. The road ahead is long and tortuous.
不曾说 把宠辱独自消磨
Never a word, dealing with insults alone.
浮云遮 业火灼君威共秋月一色
Floating clouds cover the fire of karma burns the king’s might the color of the autumn moon.
东风过 海面生波 青苍舞白鹤
The east wind passes through the sea making waves, and the white cranes dance under the blue sky.
(Singers) GG 阿角 / 这个名字好像大粉 / ·西島雪穗· / 王鹤棣_Dylan 的小世界
也踏错 也挣脱 也能坦诚描功过
Mistakes are made, but also thwarted, and I can honestly define my blunders.
目光澈 不作修饰展露灵魂的本色
The gaze is clear, exposing the true colors of the soul.
夏清荷 秋叶落 春水河堤柳婀娜
Summer stunning lotus, autumn falling leaves, spring water embankment, graceful willows
都不若 你一笑倾我
Can’t compare to your smiling at me!
(Singers) yiiiranAnn
白马过 浮图所 真心如青山巍峨
The white horse passed through the floating structure, the sincerity is like the green mountain,
最难舍 嘉言铭刻西南一树梨花落
Difficult to give up, wise words inscribed on a pear blossom in the southwest.
雨作歌 风来贺 愿你所思即所得
Song of the rain, and commendation from the wind. May you get what you wish for.
你快乐 是唯一法则
Your happiness is the only rule!
(Singers) yiiiranAnn/橙柚橙/F_mxy/Dulcemariposa
关山隔 风云掣 年少该把梦挥霍
Separated by mountains, and carried by the wind and clouds, aim to dream when young.
锋芒铎 情理难错 放任温柔最缄默
Vigilance, it is challenging to be tolerant, and compassion is hushed.
玉雪琢 瑾瑜握 赤诚热爱底色
Snowy jade, beautiful jade, sincerity is the main virtue,
這世間 唯你最难得
In this world, you are the rarest!
迎鹤飞 紫光随 与世界交手几回
Flight of the Crane, purple radiance follows, quarrels the world again and again.
染星辉 不负年岁眼底仍有光如萃
Stain the starlight, live up to the age, there is still light in the eyes.
你与我得幸会 犹胜清风摇落绯
you and I are fortunate to be like the wind shaking the tales.
少年啊 请放肆明媚
Young man, please be BOLD!
念白 (Narration)
“王鹤棣 请万事顺遂”
“Wang Hedi Smooth Sailing”
You are a sight of dreams and beauty
Bright but not dazzling radiance
Traveling through mountains and seas, we will accompany you for Aeon.
Dylan’s dialogue
In the next five years
I think that it's still going to be
the same as the past five year's "feet on solid ground"
Step by step doing my best making
每一个角色 每一个作品
every one of my characters, every one of my films.
Do the best in each and every one of my films.
I think for the next five years
It is one of the things I’ll be persistent in doing.
Having a temper is not a flaw.
From now on, I will use my own ways
to show my attitude to the world.
The discussions from everyone
I think it's a type of driving force.
knowing the problem in order to resolve them.
I think I'm the type
facing these negative emotions
digests pretty fast type of person.
Through exercise,
through playing basketball
or though jostling with friends
or after a night's sleep, the next day I'm ok
I think that
if I can give people happiness
if I can pass on happiness to people
I think it's an honor.
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