Application Load Balancer Demo Part-22 |Zero To Hero in AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Associate

Описание к видео Application Load Balancer Demo Part-22 |Zero To Hero in AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Associate

Hey guys.
This is the Part 22 of AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate course. In this section we are going to learn more about Application Load Balancer and also see a demo on it.

Below are the steps need for the demo:

Demo on Application Load Balancers: Path Based Routing

1) Create 2 EC2 Instances
2) Install Apache2 on both the instances and have the messages "Webserver 1" on first EC2 and second server will have image directory and then have google logo image using the below steps.
mkdir image
cd image
mv googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png google.png
3) Create Target groups TG1 and TG2 for Application Load Balancer and have 1st webserver on TG1 and 2nd webserver on TG2.
4) Create a Load Balancer with default settings by selecting TG1.
5) Goto Listeners tab in ALB and then add another rule for TG2 which would be for all requests coming for the path /image/* ,it should be forwarded to TG2. Then use Application Load Balancer DNS name to load the web page.
6) Now, whenever we are trying to open the default ALB URL, it will go to TG1 and 1st server will be loaded all the times. When we give /image/google.png for the ALB URL, this time it would go to Web Server 2 as it has path as /image/*.

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See you in the next session... Till then Happy Learning !!!



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