Harry Potter: How to Be Brave

Описание к видео Harry Potter: How to Be Brave

We know we live in difficult times. And that now is a moment to be brave, to be true to our values. But how do we do that? What do we do with our good intentions?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, we see Harry struggle with the fear he feels whenever the Dementors are near. He longs for his father, for guidance and strength. He meets Prof. Lupin who teaches him how to protect himself and others, but Harry struggles to learn. What can we learn from Harry in this moment?

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text is a weekly podcast reading Harry Potter, the best-selling series of all time, as if it was a sacred text.

We ask the questions: What if we read the books we love as if they were sacred texts? What would we learn? How might they change us?

Season three, about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, launches on March 28, 2017.


Animation: Hannah O'Neal, Taryn Johnson
Writers: Vanessa Zoltan, Casper ter Kuile, Ariana Nedelman
Voices: Vanessa Zoltan, Casper ter Kuile
Audio Production: Ariana Nedelman


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