The Sunhive - how to cover a skep beehive - Weissenseifener Hängekorb by Gunther Mancke

Описание к видео The Sunhive - how to cover a skep beehive - Weissenseifener Hängekorb by Gunther Mancke

The Sun Hive (Weissenseifener Haengekorb design by Gunther Mancke)
Based on an ingenious combination of skep baskets made of rye straw and wooden support structures, the Sun Hive is intended to be installed at a height of at least 2.5 metres (8 feet). The shape of the hive harmonizes with the movement gesture of the bee colony and enables the bees to design their brood nests according to their own innate criteria.
The hive was designed by German sculptor, Gunther Mancke, and represents the fruits of many years of research into the nature of the honeybee colony.
© 2014 vidéo Jan Michael - rucher école Villa le Bosquet
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