Mediterranean Diet vs Low fat | New BIG study!

Описание к видео Mediterranean Diet vs Low fat | New BIG study!

Mediterranean Diet or Low fat, which delivers the most benefit? New large trial compares a Mediterranean diet to a low fat diet for cardiovascular disease risk.

A Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, nuts and fatty fish was compared to a low fat diet focusing on legumes, whole grains and low fat dairy.

they found 28% less cardiovascular events on the mediterranean diet than the Lower Fat diet. Some concluded it was due to the olive oil, but several foods changed.

this is another data set with good outcomes on Mediterranean diet with some olive oil. would it be just as beneficial without the olive oil? we don't know that from this study

Predimed had Low-fat diet vs 2 Mediterranean arms, 1 with extra olive oil and one with extra nuts, and both Mediterranean Arms showed similar benefit, suggesting the 2 sources of unsaturated fat are equivalent

fat isn’t bad. We can’t say it was the extra fat in the Mediterranean diet that delivered the benefit, there were other differences, but this is inconsistent with the idea that more fat is bad for the heart. The diet with the most fat had the best cardiovascular outcomes.

Unsaturated fats like olive oil show good results.
don’t like olive oil? there’s other oils, or nuts or seeds or fatty fish.

olive oil harms endothelial function?lower artery mobility after eating oil

Mediterranean diet was better for endothelial function, it improved on the Mediterranean diet

if you like olive oil, be mindful of total calories, otherwise I don’t see a problem. If you don’t like oil, not a problem, other sources of quality fat
Don’t like Mediterranean diet?, don’t do it. take the main ideas.

Fruits and vegetables, high quality fat (mostly unsaturated), high quality carbs (unrefined), and easy on the ultraprocessed stuff.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

0:00 New Trial on the Mediterranean Diet
3:15 What people actually ate
6:14 The results
8:22 Which foods delivered the benefit?
9:57 Funding
10:42 Why do scientists love the Mediterranean Diet?
11:14 Randomized Controlled Trials in nutrition
13:10 Is dietary fat bad for you?
15:23 What if you don't like the Mediterranean diet?


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