"ইট দ্যাট ফ্রগ" সম্পূর্ণ বই, |ব্রায়ান ট্রেসি| বাংলা অডিও, @আহ্বান

Описание к видео "ইট দ্যাট ফ্রগ" সম্পূর্ণ বই, |ব্রায়ান ট্রেসি| বাংলা অডিও, @আহ্বান

Today's video is full audio book of "Eat that frog" translated into Bangla.

Today I will share with you powerful motivational audiobook "Eat that Frog" translated into Bangla which is written by Brian Tracy. This books defines , what is the route factor on the way to get success by maintaining time management, 80/20 principles & how to any work getting done with efficiency. If you listen this Bangla translated audio book, I hope you will learn details about how to do proper plan & taken action practically & also efficiently which is the way to get success. Thanks all of you for stay with us & for supporting me.
This Bangla audio book help you to understand your own language. If you want to lead your life like successful people, this book is for you.
This is one of the most powerful best seller motivational book of the world written by Brian Tracy. Those who want to do any work with efficiently I would strongly suggest them to listen this book. Because, this book is captured every types of rules that help getting things done successfully & efficiently.
Another important, noteworthy criteria of this book is that there have told about every rules of time management, plan, action (that successful people maintain) in details , such as what these rules, why these rules, how these rules, when should maintain these rules, whose have to be applied these rules everything.

This life changing Bangla motivational audiobook help you to get success in life by maintaining some basics rules & regulations.

Again remember ,
This is the full audio book of the "Eat That Frog". To get more audio motivational book & video, subscribe our YouTube channel.
The book "Eat That Frog" talks about how to do more work in less time. The book contains twenty-one ideas for getting the job done well in less time. These ideas can change your life.

Thanks to Mohammed Abdul Latif for translating this motivational book into Bangla which help us to understand this powerful Motivational book our own language.
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