The Artistic Home - Written by Albert H. Yund - Amsterdam, NY - Yund’s Mammoth Furniture Warerooms

Описание к видео The Artistic Home - Written by Albert H. Yund - Amsterdam, NY - Yund’s Mammoth Furniture Warerooms

My great great Uncle Albert H. Yund published this advertisement book for his furniture, carpet & curtain warerooms in Amsterdam, NY in 1903-1904. Not only is it really cool this thing survived 120 years, but it’s even more amazing that it ended up for sale online & I was able to purchase it. Very cool piece of family history right here as well as the rich history of Amsterdam, NY.

My great great great grandfather Joseph Yund moved to Amsterdam, NY in 1852 from Alsace-Lorraine, France after serving seven years in the French army under Napoleon III. He had three kids named Theodore, Charles & Albert. Charles Yund being my great great grandfather. They were all very successful business men in Amsterdam, NY. Charles & Theodore created a massive 4 story knitting goods factory known as Yund, Kennedy & Yund. At peak production they had over 3,800 spindles in operation & employeed over 500 local men & women of Amsterdam & the surrounding area. Their factory was huge. Located right next to the Mohawk River & railroad system which made transporting material or finished products much easier.

It’s beautiful what the Yund’s accomplished & the wealth/success they built for themselves in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. Working hard. Being dedicated. Being creative. Taking risks. They created one of the most successful factories at that point in time in most of if not all of America. Yund, Kennedy & Yund was founded in 1886. I’ve been finding really cool artifacts related to the Yund history in Amsterdam, NY over the years. Honestly feels like too good to be true type situations like things have been guided to this point of being discovering & showing interest in this history.

I even got to tour my great great uncles mansion he built on guy park avenue in Amsterdam, NY when it randomly hit the market for sale. Mind you it was the weirdest timing possible as I was heavily into looking into great great uncle Theodore’s life & his mansion he built at that time & all of a sudden his friggin mansion is for sale 😅😂 I explored the whole place top to bottom. Epic property. Wish I could have bought it.

In 1854 Mr. Yund decided to try his fortune in America and came to Amsterdam where he had ever since made his home. At first he followed his trade, that of spinner, but about 1864 he embarked In the broom manufacturing business, occupying as a shop the dwelling which remains at the east and to the rear of St. Luke's church on Spring Street. While in a degree successful, Mr. Yund retired after two years and in 1866 established the furniture business with which the family name has ever since remained connected. For fifteen years Mr. Yund conducted the emporium still located at No. 87 East Main street where by close attention to business he prospered, and developed on of the most substantial and remunerative of the city's mercantile enterprises. In 1881, having accumulated a comfortable fortune, Mr. Yund retired from active business life, his eldest son, Theodore J. Yund succeeding to the proprietorship of the store which has since remained in the family and is now conducted by Albert H. Yund. Thus in brief, may be recounted the long and successful business life of Mr. Yund, who for the past score of years, retired from the activities of life, had enjoyed in his own quiet, un ostentatious was the pleasures to which he was so entitled. Vigorous in health, with his intellect undimmed by advancing years, he always took a keen interest in his daily walks and talks with old friends and new ones, too, and manifested a just pride in the development of Amsterdam, which he had so intimately known for fifty years. Mr. Yund was devoted to the Catholic church and to him Amsterdam is chiefly indebted for the establishment here of St, Joseph's German parish. Mr. Yund was mainly instrumental in it's founding and and for many years was its most liberal supporter. He served for a long period as one of the church trustees and also its treasurer. In its erection he gave not only liberally of his means but devoted almost his entire attention to its construction and so long as St. Joseph's remains it will continue as a monument to the religious life and activity of Joseph Yund. To the union formed in his native town in 1850 three sons were born, all of whom survive. Mrs. Yund preceded her husband to the grave June 14, 1901. These sons, Theodore J., Charles C. and Albert H. Yund, like their father, active and reputable business men, are among Amsterdam's foremost citizens.


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